
"Take out" time at Rueff Galleries at Purdue

Check out this exquisite buffet table at Rueff Galleries!

EXCHANGE VIII: Contemporary Prints
September 10 - 21, 2012
 Gallery Talk: Friday, September 14, noon
 Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries
West Gallery, Pao Hall

EXCHANGE VIII: Contemporary Prints is comprised of national and international portfolios and projects that Purdue University faculty, alumni, and graduate students were invited to participate in. Fine art prints in the form of etchings, digital prints, screen prints, lithographs, relief prints, and mixed media prints by artists from all over the US and abroad are included in the exhibition.

Exchange VIII was organized and curated by Purdue University printmaking graduate students Andrés Arízaga, Monica Farrar, LaToya Hobbs, and Lisa Wicka with printmaking professor Kathryn Reeves. 

COMMON SPACE is an international invitational exhibition developed and curated by Purdue University printmaking graduate students Monica Farrar, LaToya Hobbs and Lisa Wicka with printmaking professor Kathryn Reeves. The show includes original fine art prints by artists from all over the US and abroad including Australia, Canada, China, England, and India. Invited artists representing diverse backgrounds and concepts cooperated in creating art about the idea of common space. Curators of this exhibition said, “We have all experienced certain spaces – interior and exterior space, social and cultural space, psychological and physical space, inner and outer, real and imagined. Space implies a rich multitude of things. A portfolio is one space that printmakers hold in common. This portfolio is a reflection of printmaking as a community of individual artists working in many directions within an interconnected network.”