His theory was if the spaghetti stuck to the wall, it was done. Never mind that he strained the pasta through a tennis racket. Well, Saltgrass printmakers threw our Leftovers up on the wall and exchange member Linda Schrock, whose print included popcorn and a ticket stub from that same movie (okay, that was a stretch and a fib) took some photos of her visit to Saltgrass. So, if you won't be able to make it to the Sugar District of Salt Lake soon, take a lingering look:
Glad you stayed for the credits!
Filmed on location at Saltgrass Printmakers, Salt Lake City, Utah. Thanks to Stefanie Dykes, Sandy and Erik Brunvand and Linda Shrock for making this blog entry possible.
Now go out and Think Ink, Prefer Paper, Love Life and Make Art All Day Long!